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By christianityNo Comments

I was touched by one thought in today’s sermon done by Jiri Lukl. He preached from 28th chapter of Matthew’s gospel which ends with “Great Commission”

18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

The thought is that every promise in Bible has some sort of requirement to be fulfilled. The same is appliable to this text. I was touched when I realized the consequences. We have to fulfil what are we called to – make disciples – to have that promise that God is with us “always even to the end of the age”, real. It means that we cannot have the Gospel just for ourselves.

It is quite binding but on the other hand. Who wouldn’t want to have God on his/her side??


not confrontation but contrast

By christianityNo Comments

I remembered one thought from last Sunday’s message from our church. It was said by Danda Fafr (Chief of the Brethren Church Council) in the context of installation (it means put into service) of our new elected pastor Ales Kratochvil. It talks about how as we Christians should be different from “normal” people. I was very impressed by it because it talks about the essence of the Christianity and it sounds: “Not confrontation but contrast.”

We shouldn’t differ in the way of criticizing and attacking everything all the time, in the way that we would argue with everybody about what is true and what is not. We should differ so that from the essence of our life-style we are different. We should differ in what we do and say in one. The Christianity is a must-see value in every moment.

It is tough task but achievable and I thing that if we take it serious we would be more successful that if we stay with arguing…

majitel vs. člen

By křesťanstvíNo Comments

V poslední době mě nadchla myšlenka jednoho amerického kazatele jménem Perry Noble. Totálně kvůli ní mění koncepci členství ve svém sboru / kostele. Už defacto nemají členy, ale mají majitele.

Členové totiž mají práva, ale majitelé mají zodpovědnost. Je to velice revoluční věc, ale mě se to líbí, také si myslím, že pokud budeme vnímat větší zodpovědnost za sbor, kam chodíme, tak se začnou dít větší věci. Většinou totiž tam, kde máme zodpovědnost, máme i srdce a to je důležité…