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By July 30, 2010July 8th, 2011personal

I have two close friends – Fanys and Jiri aka Kralik. We lived together in one apartment for one year during our young student years. We have became good friends at that time (at least I think so :-) ). We can see each other quite often at our church but there is not enough space for deep and long talking there…

However we go for a beer once a while for instance on the occasion of child being born, birthday celebration, etc. We did celebrate this way the birth of our Stella few days ago and we ended at 3:00am.

Many things were said. Sometimes we disagreed with each other, sometimes we had unity. Though I went from our meeting physically tired at the end I was mentally and spiritually enriched by all that was told. I am glad that we don’t talk just about simple things but we can go deeper in our conversation and I am thankful for that. They are an inspiration and encouragement for me…

So I am looking forward to November even now because we will go to celebrate, God willing, the birth of Kralik’s baby boy.

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