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dou you need help??

By December 22, 2010July 13th, 2011personal

I walk our recently inherited dog every night. I guess that I will not forget the yesterday’s walk for a long time. We went out around 11pm. I wanted to stop by for our car during the walk so I could re-park it to our street because I had to par it quite far.

It looked like just another everyday ease routine, but I met some interesting couple in the park. Young man with all his strength was trying to get somewhere his very drunk girlfriend who had just one shoe and only short sleeve shirt. Tragedy.

After few more steps I was passing by them and so I took courage and so I asked if I can help someway. The guy answered that I can hand him the girl’s stuff that felt on the ground and that it’s enough. I gave them to him but when I saw that the girl was really unmanageable I told him that I walk with them.

Fortunately they lived just behind the corner but even that short track was very hard and rich for the experiences. The girls was trying to run from us and she was still refusing my help even her boyfriend was still trying to persuade her that I was her angel.

Finally we got into their house even without their keys where the girl crushed on the stairs at their apartment’s door. They were waiting there for another roommate who had the keys to their apartment.

I said goodbye and went to walk the dog and for the car. I was thinking that whole time if I could did something else than just physical help.

I didn’t tell them about Christ – even that the girl might not get it – about the hope that they could accept into their life. Was it wrong? I do not know. I pray that I could meet them again in some better occasion and tell them more…

We will see… hopefully we meet sooner that it’s gonna end here for us…

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