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By osobní2 Comments


Dnes jsem byl služebně v Ostravě. Byli jsme se podívat do jedné továrny, kam nabízíme nějaký projekt. Je to továrna, kde fungují stroje ze 60. let minulého století, tovární haly pomalu zarůstají stromy a kde jsou nánosy prachu hodně vysoké. Tento obraz Ostravy jim visel v zasedací místnosti. To množství kouře a komínů mě opravdu zaujalo – nevím, jestli je to obraz vystihující hrůzy továrního města a nebo propagandistický obraz oslavující technický pokrok. Vyberte si sami :-)

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By workNo Comments

We talked with my colleagues from work about ours company situation. It is not the best due to the results of the crisis which affects the civil construction brunch, but on the other hand we are still making it through and are still living as a company. Some of our competitors are in better shape but some are in worse and some even bankrupted. I made suggestion that we should figure out what is the win of the best ones. And than to try to use it at ours company. I was quite inspired by thought of my friend who looked at it form totally opposite perspective.

It is very contributive sometimes to not compare with the best ones but with the worst instead. They already did some mistake so we can learn from them and we don’t have to do it and bankrupt as they did.

Interesting right?

macro from site

By osobníNo Comments


These are few pictures form one building under construction which we are checking right now to figure out hom much will cost to finish it. It was almost done and ready for production two years ago but the they ran out of money and so the construction had to stop.

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way to Ceske Budejovice

By osobníNo Comments


This is how my train’s compartment looked like in my way to Ceske Budejovice, where I went to seminar about passive houses. Czech Railways have their trains remaining the same on their less busy routes…

Nevertheless the way was really inspirational. I read book “Bringing up Boys”, I went through 20 chapters of Deuteronomy, but I also got to know a lot from live of college students, because there were two girls from the University of South Bohemia the whole time and their hearts were really full of everything. They didn’t close their mouths till Jihlava (2,5 hours)…

Hopefully they are going to past the exams and they are going to break up with their boyfriends, because as I recommended them that is the only possible thing to do after all they said about them…

Life is not easy…

15 minutes v. 4 hours

By christianity, workNo Comments


I was sent by my company last week ( – 15th. Oct. 2010) to training seminar about leading projects, time management and etc. The funy thing about it is the connection to other meeting where I was this Tuesday (19th. Oct. 2010). The meeting took just about 15 minutes and was placed in Prague, so I spent on the way about 4 hours. We didn’t solve anything at the end, because the decision about the conclusions has to be made by our company leaders.

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By práceNo Comments

Dnes jsem dělal “zkoušku dospělosti” v rámci mojí architektonické praxe. Je to autorizační zkouška, která slouží k tomu, abych mohl nést zodpovědnost za projekt sám za sebe – tzn. dostanu kulaté razítko.

Přihlásil jsem se někdy na jaře a tak stále bylo dost času, protože zkouška měla být někdy na konci října. Občas jsem se podíval do stavebního zákona a pomalu jsem začal dávat dohromady projekty na kterých jsem dělal. Pak přišly letní prázdniny, narodila se nám Stella a najednou toho času bylo mnohem méně. Večerní zodpovědnosti najednou nekončily v osm, ale v jedenáct. Štěpán nechodil spát v osm, ale usínal až o půl desáté a Stella někdy až o půlnoci.

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By workNo Comments

I spent last few days searching the internet trying to find any kind of web pages about architecture where I could get some advise and inspiration for what I am doing. Internet is full of stuff like that. Many nice pictures and beautiful articles. Dozens of beautiful, interesting and expensive buildings.

But one think I was missing in all of it is that nobody (from the more or less known architects) shares their know-how. They are not willing to reveal their processes, using of the materials etc. Pictures just show how the final result looks nicely but you cannot find anywhere what were the specific problems that had to be solved during the building phase. The results are nice and the relief which comes with the acceptance from the local authorities or the startup is not comparable with anything from our specialization. The joy from the finished work… Read More