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benzín / gas

By osobní, personal2 Comments


tolik jsem dnes platil za benzín… to se mi ještě nestalo… za chvíli za plnou překonám 2.000,- a to bude mazec…

that’s how much I paid today for gas… that hasn’t happend to me yet… in a while I might get over 2.000,- CZK for the full tank. And some more explanation for my friends from overseas:

total prize – 1.900,- CZK = $109
total amount – 53,37l = 14,1gal
price per 1 litre – $2,0
price per 1 gallon – $7,73

children’s logic

By personalOne Comment

Sunday evening…

me: Steven, if you poo tomorow to your diper you are not going to have milk!
Steven: ok

Monday morning…

me: Steven, what’s in your pants?
Steven: poo
me: so let’s wash your behind, but you are not getting the milk as I said yesterday!
Steven: well after we was my behind I am getting the milk!
me: No you aren’t!!
Steven: well I am, if there’s no poo in diper than I am having the milk…

children’s logic has got me again…

gender in life

By personalNo Comments

Today’s gender conversation of Misa and Steven

Štěpán: We are boys with Michael and you are girls.
Míša: Oh yeh, somebody is boy and somebody is girl.
Štěpán: And somebody is shoe and somebody pants.

bad memory

By christianity, personalNo Comments

As I wrote before I am reading through the Bible form the beginning to the end. I would like to make it in 180 days which is quite challenging, but on the other side it gives you wider perspective.

Since I’ve started I was quite caught by passages about the topic of kids that did not follow the faitha of their ancestors after they grown. This is mentioned on several places.

Judges 2:10Judges 2:191st Kings 11:6

How did it happen? Did the kids have that short memory? Did they have so little information?

It seams to be combination of both and many other stuff for sure. And to be honest, I am kind of scared, because I am the parent too.
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through Bible in 180 days

By christianity, personalOne Comment

It is exactly 33 days today since I have decided that I will read the entire Bible in 180 days directly from the beginning to the end. It is quite challenging, but I have to admit that I am touched by things that I have never seen there before, so during that time I’ll post some actual thoughts… they have started to stack…

I have realized that I should do that more often. Do not be stucked on one spot or theme but rather see the things from the wider perspective… so I guess that it’s gonna be continues process…

And what about you?

dou you need help??

By personalNo Comments

I walk our recently inherited dog every night. I guess that I will not forget the yesterday’s walk for a long time. We went out around 11pm. I wanted to stop by for our car during the walk so I could re-park it to our street because I had to par it quite far.

It looked like just another everyday ease routine, but I met some interesting couple in the park. Young man with all his strength was trying to get somewhere his very drunk girlfriend who had just one shoe and only short sleeve shirt. Tragedy.

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By personalNo Comments

Few days ago was born son Vojtech to my friend Kralik and so we met again also with Fanys so we could celebrate this joyful occasion together as it happened when Stella was born. Kralik reminded me that if I write about it I wouldn’t write with such a pathos as last time. I’ll try to.

We managed to talk about lots of stuff – from our church stuff, work, computers, finances, child births even to alternative culture.
I will not write here all about what we said but I will mention the one that really got me in positive way and which one I want to remember and remind.

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the same

By christianity, personalNo Comments

I guess that having a dog is kind of God’s plan for me :-) It seams that he wants to give me some time to think and pray. I cannot see another reason.

Today’s evening walk made it’s point :-) I remembered the verse from Bible from book Hebrews 13:8 and I have to admit that this memory was really nourishing and resurgent. Read More


By personalNo Comments

Recently I have figured out that it is possible to post on the blog ex-post – it means that he date is set up to when the event happend and it is done. I liked it and said to myself that I do from a classic blog kind of my personal journal, because I have figured out that I have forgotten lots of stuff already.

And so I found my e-mails that I wrote while I spent the sumer 2002 in the USA and I posted them here. When I red them I had to laugh on what I was able to write and in which style on one hand but on the other hand I reminded myself of what I experienced there and what I’ve learned there. Read More

integrity of life and blog

By personalNo Comments

I have decided to do some radical step today. I have united all of my blogs into one spot, because it would be much easier to handle it and moreover it is necessary to live in the integrity :-) which means be the same guy in different life roles. Each of my blogs covered one of those roles, but was silent about the rest which finally seemed to me as a tricky advertisement. In the times of tags you can filter what are you exactly interested in…

The other stimulation was that I overloaded my facebook account with tons of different links to newspaper’s articles and it was too much for some of my friends… So I got the idea to make once a week some kind of a personal summary of what I liked, what is it good to think of etc. And I didn’t want to start political blog yet and so I put everything on one spot.

I hope that this change works for better…